Can CBD Help You Sleep? Here’s What The Research Tells Us

Recently we examined in details how CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid systemThis interaction is very complex and involves different ways of cannabidiol binding to receptor as well as its indirect effects (the most important being its impact on anandamide). Hemp refers to varieties of Cannabis sativa used mostly for industrial purposes, the THC present in most strains of cannabis specifically bred out of it. You can’t smoke hemp and get high; instead, it’s used to produce strong fiber for textiles, rope, and paper, as well as things like biofuels and animal feed. And by looking at the actions of the endocannabinoid system we can truly answer what CBD does for our bodies.

Enhanced effects of THC: First, mixing alcohol with any drug results in that drug remaining in a person’s system longer than it normally would. Should you find yourself in legal trouble with a DUI for driving while on CBD, you’ll need an attorney to make sure your rights are protected. Unlike THC that have psychoactive effects, CBD has calming effects that release physical and mental tension. There is much more yet to be learned about all the ways CBD oil may be beneficial to manage pain or other health conditions.

We also urge consumers to refrain from using CBD products with synthetic components, as these have been linked to more cases of adverse effects; all-natural CBD products are widely available. We know there’s a lot of debate around which form is actually best, but we gave points to CBD oils that contain a range of cannabinoids. The forms of cannabis plants that are typically used for smoking are bred to be high in THC.

It is also worth mentioning that CBD oil might be helpful not only to fall asleep but also staying asleep. The vast majority of CBD oils are sourced from hemp. If you are new to taking CBD oil, you might need some time to get used to that taste. CBD eliminates pain and anxiety which are the leading causes of disruptive sleep patterns. It’s s a premium product from a company that is very open about the fact that high quality CBD is expensive to source.

CBD cream can be used to treat a very specific area of your body that’s experiencing pain. We then specially formulate our products to ensure consistency in serving size and CBD content. Not only can CBD oil help with these, studies have proven that CBD slows tumor growth. Many of these trials involve pain in people with advanced cancer, and while some show positive pay-offs, others demonstrate that cannabis treatment doesn’t provide any more relief than a placebo The catch: Most of this science involves both CBD and THC (or Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the part of cannabis that does give you a high).
